Hello there! It’s me the Cockblock and today I am going to show you my ongoing journey through Paris with my visit to The Louvre.
The Louvre is pronounced “Loooofffpfpfth” and like most things in France is a testament to people who cant be decisive enough to choose on a building style.
The layout of the surface consists of an old fortress that surrounds a mystic glass pyramid.
The biggest attraction of the Louvre is that its the most visited art museum in the world. I came to see old art so I scurried into the pyramid and descended into its magical historic depths.
In the first hall the walls were covered with a bazillion paintinggs of ye old times. I went to go see the most popular of them all: the Mona Lisa.
It was amazing how tiny it was in real life. Its almost the same size as me. It’s also like me in that fact that no one can tell if it’s smiling or not.
The second area contained larger more majestic paintings. I would get lost in such scenes and it almost felt like I was right there.
I made my way to the third area, which housed the museum’s collection of naked stone people.
With assets of these proportions I don’t think they needed my skills back in those days…
In a attempt to better understand the artwork I try to blend in. The statues refuse to consider me as one of their kin.
I run over to see the next super-famous art, the Venus De Milo. I sympathize with the statue’s handicap of “nubs for arms”. I can relate lady… I know the pain…
One day they will accept me.
The last area I saw features the painted ceilings. Its just like the paintings on the walls except you have to bend your head up to see them.
Only the wealthiest of people can afford pictures of angel butts on their ceilings.
While their is lots more to see the day sadly comes to an end too soon. I head outside and stop by the lonely little sandwich shop next door to get a big baguette, the most phallic of all the sandwiches.
A small finch stops by to see what Iam doing, I try to make friends with my avian brother but he would not have it, all he wanted was some of my sandwich. My quest for acceptance has not gone well in the Looooffftpt.
Well what an exciting day thanks for letting me share with you. See you next time