
Brown and White Swirl
May 23, 2012 · CATEGORY: Picture Time · BY:

Look who has arrived! Yay!


The Brown Cockblock is Coming.
May 20, 2012 · CATEGORY: Announcements · BY:

Hello all, Cockblock here and we have a special announcement. I have a new friend the Brown Cockblock!

These dolls are just as powerful as my lighter colored comrades but they sport a stylish brown plume instead. I am excited to be joined by my new brethren but to my dismay it wont be forever. The Stitch has told me that Brown Cockblocks are LIMITED EDITION and only one hundred of them have been made before he ran out of mana.

They will be up for sale starting at Fanime Con and hopefully on the website shortly after. I will announce them when that happens. Hope you pick one up!

Happy Cockblocking,

Come see Cockblock at Fanime
May 16, 2012 · CATEGORY: Announcements · BY:

Fanime is coming and Cockblock is going to be there. Fanimecon for those who don’t know is a huge annual Anime convention in San Jose CA. I loves me some anime because big beady eyes and tiny little mouths are something I can relate to. I am very versed in the Animes, My favorite character is the Seth Macfarlane…

Stitchmind Artworks, our wonderful supervisors, will be in the Artist Alley at table 198. They will have lots of fun Cockblock goodies and some new surprises I hear.

The room is huge since Fanimecon is growing in huge popularity. dont get lost and just remember to find us in the middle somewhere.
Stay tuned for cool announcements related to the show.

more show info at

Mighty Cockblock

New Wallpaper: Spring is here Cockblock
May 11, 2012 · CATEGORY: Nuggets of Goodness · BY:

How about another wallpaper to download:



Tip of the CockBlock: Spring is here.
May 4, 2012 · CATEGORY: Tip of the Cockblock · BY:

Bust out those comically oversized sunhats and paper-thin parasols, young lovers—spring is finally upon us! Multicolored flowers have sprung into full bloom, droves of beautiful butterflies and short-tempered bees are abuzz, and the kernels of love are a-cracklin’ like a big pot of Jiffy Pop, purchased at the Convenience Store of Consummation and dangled gingerly over the Stovetop of Intimacy.

Yes, spring has long been my favorite season, and it warms the depths of my downy heart to see so many folks take those first tentative baby steps towards nurturing relationships, all with their tentative little baby feet. Too often does togetherness get the short-shrift in the seasonal grand scheme, so let’s embrace this opportunity before the doldrums of winter are back upon us! That’s right—it’s time to get out and meet some new people with the help of…

1. Ain’t No Party Like a Party With Several People in Attendance

Out of the countless parties and “par-tays” that I’ve crashed since I was a wee chicklet, I’ve found the get-togethers with more than one person to be the most successful. What’s that? You’re staying in on a perfectly good Friday night? Girl, what’chu talkin’ ‘bout, with your CSI, warm blanket, and bottle of decent red wine—close that Netflix tab and go get your mingle on! We’ve got three months of stunning spring weather to celebrate, and those semen-encrusted crime scene corpses will be waiting when you get back.

2. The Night is Young, and Youth is Fleeting

Despite what the cryogenically preserved starlets that haunt Hollywood’s boutiques and beauty parlors might lead you to believe, you’re only young once! And besides, who wants to do Jello shots and listen to Ludacris rap about asses of varying sizes when they’re all old and nasty, and, like, in a wheelchair whilst offering their grandkids raisins from the warm plastic baggie in their purse? What, you can afford all that heart medicine, but you can’t splurge on a pack of Gobstoppers?!

3. Bring a Wingman

Sure, anyone and everyone can “hook up” if they just lower their standards enough and abandon their moral compasses, but the Mighty Cockblock’s about much more than getting his beak wet, so to speak. Take it from me: The only commitment that a night-long fling will bring is committing your genitals to a hefty helping of crab medication. Because you’ll probably get crabs. Instead, howsabout we take this slow, invite that fine honey back to your pad, dim the lights real low, boot up The English Patient on Blu-ray, and all three of us share a jumbo-sized bowl of trail mix while we learn a little something about raw emotion.

Awww yeah, now that’s what I call a stellar spring. Until next time, Cockblock Comrades!

Mighty Cockblock

More Stuff along the way!
April 30, 2012 · CATEGORY: Cockmunity · BY:

Hey Folks, Getting some more updates ready for the site soon. Yea I know its been a little too long but hey I started playing MINECRAFT. That’s a legit excuse as ClockBlock loves him some blocks in any form, and when they make a whole game out of them, Well that’s just more blocking then I can handle.


Speaking of Minecraft, Now is a good time to mention a a blog section I want to do, Cockmunity! Here I will be showing off great things others have done in the wondrous Cockblock Community.
Check out this fan-made creation someone made:

Got some cool Cockblock pics? Even better how about a Cockblock story! let me know so we can share it with others.

Mighty Cockblock

Wall paper download
March 25, 2012 · CATEGORY: Nuggets of Goodness · BY:

I am working on filling out the top sections with juicy Cockblock goodness. Here is a wallpaper to start out with for the Downloads section. Go and get it.

Get Wallpaper

Mighty Cockblock

Our little cockblocks
March 19, 2012 · CATEGORY: Cockblock Doll Adventures · BY:

Chances are if you are here you have heard of the Cockblock Doll.

Heck you may even have on of your own. Most Cockblocks are evil and will block you from the joys of love, lust, and friendship! But some Cockblocks are good and they will ward off the bad mojos that bring upon loneliness. Either way one thing they love to do is help out, and here at that’s what we like to see! So keep on the lookout for our little guys:

And check back often to see what adventures and shenanigans they are up to.

Mighty Cockblock

Complete Comic here
March 14, 2012 · CATEGORY: Comic Funtimes · BY:

I put the intro comic into one post here so you can ready the it in order.

Mighty Cockblock

Hello Everyone!
March 12, 2012 · CATEGORY: Announcements · BY:

Awesome my website is up. Hello there I am THE MIGHTY COCKBLOCK and I am here to welcome you to my site. There is not much around as we just started but I hope to add lots of stuff in time and share with you guys the wonders of Cockblock. I have lots of fun things to talk about later on so if you should click on those little things over there on the right that link to my Twitter,Facebook, and RSS and add them all. Thanks.

Mighty Cockblock

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